Reborn! - Episode 3 "Shocking! Cooking with Love and Horror!"

In order to reach Reborn and show him the loves, Bianchi the strange assassin try to kill Tsuna and hope by this way, it will set Reborn free...

In other hand, a cute but clumsy assassins named Lambo also comes after Reborn...

Did the Bianchi managed to hurt Tsuna, and did the Lambo succeed to get closer to Reborn?

Want to find out more about it?

This is the picture of cute but clumsy "Lambo".

This cute little baby wear the cow Cosplay suit and love to cry when he failed to kill Reborn!


Jim Sheng said...

Your blog is sooooo coool! How can make it?

Happy Go Lucky said...

To Jim sheng: Hi Jim Sheng, thanks for the compliment. Well, It's did took me about 12 hours to set up this blog...

Glad you like it, don't forget to come and hangout here more often. :)

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